Perhaps you’ve been cut off on the road by someone checking his or her email on a mobile device. That ever happen to you? Maybe you’ve noticed a couple out to dinner, engaging their respective iPhones rather than each other. If you haven’t experienced either of these situations, you will. Mobile devices have been enjoying record-breaking sales, and if they’re important enough to risk a few lives on the road and come between lovers at the dinner table, we can safely assume they’re not going anywhere. That being said, it’s important for your business to have a website that is fully optimized for these tiny screens that are lining pockets across the globe.
So exactly how ubiquitous are mobile devices becoming? In 2009, mobile Internet browsing was a mere 0.7% of total world browsing activity. At the end of 2011, mobile browsing had increased to 7%, a 1000% increase! This trend isn’t going to let up anytime soon. Outside of playing Angry Birds and checking email, people are finding more and more ways of utilizing their mobiles, leaving desktops and laptops a little dusty.
One of the main reasons for the rise of mobile devices is their knack for making shopping a quick and painless procedure. If you’re not buying online directly from your phone or tablet, there’s a good chance you’re consulting either one to gather information on a product you’re planning to pick up from a local store. The ability to do advanced shopping on-the-go is a feature that really has shoppers reaching into their pockets. Having a fully optimized mobile site is essential for businesses who are looking to capitalize on growing e-commerce. Mobile users don’t like navigating clunky pages that are meant for bigger screens.
If online dealing isn’t exactly your forte (brick and mortar businesses, listen up), a mobile site can still provide quick access to pertinent information such as business hours and location details. If nothing else, it’s just another opportunity to give your brand a professional look for everyone to see. QR codes are also trending these days. If you’re looking to utilize them for marketing your business, you’ll need a mobile site to send potential consumers to.
As mobile use is primed to surpass that of computers, it’s important for your business to have a mobile site that is built for easy use. At Formcode Design Group, we can impart a grand sense of design on the compact canvas that mobiles provide. Take a look at our portfolio and imagine how stunning your website would look on an iPhone. Could be good for business to have the best designed mobile sites.